About me:
Hey guy mine name is be is Cayson :D I'm is currently is 16 mine birthday is be is 11th January 2004. I'm was also know to some people as vomit yaoi or is they vommy :D I'm no mind was people call me. I'm is from they New Zealand is so boring here is be want go to Russian someday is.
Online of friends:
I'm like make online friend is lot. I'm consider anyone who follow me was is or message me as mine friend :D I'm love make friend is online they is because is so hard for me was in they real life.
- Thing I'm like:
- Shinji
- hentai
- porn (I'm gone try quit is maybe)
- subway sandwich
- making thing
- art an drawing
- film
- Aphex twin
- mine online friends
- volleyball
- Russian thing an people an building
- Thing I'm hate:
- sundried tomatoe
- people been mean to me :(
- alien
- being watched
- people who was walk too slow
- when mine brother get drunk is
- bad dream where I'm can no moving is
- when mine parent yell as me
- feel lonely is :(
- when I'm see people with friend is real life
- Mine favourite movie:
- The Joker
- The Return
- Blade Runner
- Alien